Saturday, November 28, 2015

Black Friday.......

Today is Black Friday.  Historically, retailer's most revered day of the year.  I understand, it's when they begin to make money.  It's the top buying season of the year. What continues to amaze me, are the crazy people that wait in line in the cold before the store is open.  It's like tailgating at a department store. Have you absolutely have nothing to do? One person is so proud they are #1 in line and had been there for 42 hours.  This is fun? Some make it an annual event with family and friends after stuffing themselves! Why? There is obviously some sub-culture or "condition" I am unaware of and obviously can't identify with by any-way-shape or means.  It's not the "spending money" aspect I don't like, I'm actually very good at that.

Let me explain, as many males, there isn't anything I dislike more than shopping.  I am the worst, I admit it.  When I buy clothes, I find one item that fits and then buy them in multiple colors or fabrics.  I'm done and proud of it.  I have new clothes.  To wait and rush in with others to a store to shop, (in an unscientific study it appears this disease affects women more than men in a nearly 9:1 ratio to men afflicted with this terrible, debilitating condition) seems to neatly knock me unconscious every year.  Why would anyone stand in line for hours with all those raging real and synthetic hormones?  All those mass emotions surrounding you at once and nowhere to escape?  Why would I subject myself to that?  So watching people stand in line (another one of my favorite things to do) both gives me shivers and a smile at the same time.

Then I started thinking.  I'm single and unattached.  Wait, I think I just figured it out.  This might be better than computer dating. What a great place to meet women!  They are in their "Happy Shopping"  mode, and there's 9:1 women to men.  Sorry, I have to end this now, I have to go shopping!

Have a great holiday season!  

Please follow me on Twitter @slblue. If you have a moment, I would love to hear from you, either add a comment in the section below or send me an email to: Please be sure to forward the blog to your co-workers, family and friends.


  1. Steve,
    Glad to hear you are doing so well after such a tragedy. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and keep up your great sense of humor I remember so well!
    Best regards
    Jack Signorelli

  2. Hey Steve! I always enjoyed your Bluey take on life: a little quirky, a lot funny and always on the wrong side of the political fence! (from someone who knew you when your 'stache was brown).

  3. Excellent and very well written. Loved it. Should I ever become single I will join you one Black Friday.

  4. You never cease to amaze me Mr. Blue.
